Houzz searched through its most popular photos, data, and articles to come up with ideas to bring your interiors up to what's trending. There are so many cool materials, equipment options, and ideas but here are just a few of their top options.
- Dedicated chopping and baking stations-with so much time spent in the kitchen these days and recipes that involve chopping, rolling, and other maneuvers, a lower countertop is more ideal. That's why some home cooks are gravitating to dedicated chopping and baking stations that are often a continuation of a larger standard height island.

- Matte black finishes-Look out for Matte Black bathrooms as well as kitchens. This material really makes a statement and has a contemporary look and complements a variety of materials and styles.
- Increase in the use of Color in kitchens-Expect to see a rise in color for the kitchen, especially other neutrals like gray and blue.
- Antibacterial materials-Imagine a countertop that helps take care of that salmonella bacteria for you after preparing chicken for dinner. That's the idea behind CERSAIE in Italy. The process is called photocatalysis which uses a semiconductor in the surface to enhance a reaction to light, killing bacteria and breaking up pollutants.
- Some other popular trends are Wallpaper-like-tile, Dining Room tables in the kitchen, Glass insert for tub-shower, concrete accents, Bold colored sofas, and casual and calm modern bedrooms.
Warmest Regards,
Kevin Aizenshtat