There was discussion to shut down the famous Farmers Market hosted on Third Street South during our seasonal months. According to an email I just received from the Third Street Association they were thrilled to share the following message.
Thanks to the overwhelming support of the over 2000 people who took the time to write City Council in support of keeping the Farmer's Market on Third Street, the collective voice of the community was heard. City Council at their October 5, 2016 meeting voted unanimously to allow the Market to operate for one more year every Saturday from 7:30am-11:30am on Third Street, between Broad Avenue South and 13th Avenue South from Nov 19, 2016 to April 29, 2107.
The Third Street South Area Association, Neapolitan Enterprises and the vendors of the Farmer's Market would like to express in the strongest way their thanks to each of you. Your letters expressed in so many articulate and individual ways the sense of community and the pleasure that the Market brings to so many. The one-year permit approval allows us to continue bringing you, the many hundreds and thousands of friends of the Third Street Farmer's Market, the best and freshest local foods, prepared delicacies, and artisanal goods, to say nothing of a welcoming and beautiful place to gather with friends to enjoy the best of Naples. The overwhelming support for the Market serves to renew our enthusiasm for keeping the Market the nationally award-winning community event that it has become. We look forward to seeing you, your family, your friends and your pets every Saturday!
Warmest Regards,
Kevin Aizenshtat