Port Royal Mid-Year Market Report 2013 Highlights - by Kathy Primavera


Well, there is an undeniable sales trend happening in Port Royal! Check out these totals and percentage increases for the first half of 2013:

  • Total Closed Sales $132MM - up 106% from $64MM in 2012
  • Total Number of Sales is 22 - up 114% from 15 in 2012
  • Average Sale Price is $6MM **(HIGHEST OF ALL TIME)** - up 40% from $4.3MM in 2012 
** Not only is the average sales price up, but a total of 4 of the 22 sales in 2013 were above $10MM, with the highest at $14MM **

Super Exciting Numbers for the Luxury Market and a Great Time to Buy or Sell!!!!


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