Pine Ridge Market Report by Kevin Aizenshtat


There are currently 30 Active Listings in Pine Ridge.

There are 7 Pending Sales.

There has been 35 Closed Sales in the past 365 days.

Assuming the 7 pending sales close there is just over 7 months of inventory in Pine Ridge. This represents the same level of inventory from September/October of 2013.

Active Listings range from $649,000 to $6,450,000

Pending Sales range from $440,000 to $2,200,000

Closed sales range from $449,000 to $4,275,000

Gulf Coast International Properties would love to help determine the value of your home. I am a full time Pine Ridge resident and full time Realtor. Please allow me to help service all of your real estate needs.

Warmest Regards,

Kevin Aizenshtat
[email protected]


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