In the past 30 days here are statistics from our Multiple Listing Service that will blow you away.
Since February 22nd 2013 there have been 773 Closed Sales, 1,153 Pending Sales, 1,435 Pending with Contingency (when a buyer and seller agree to terms but with contingencies like an inspection, mortgage or appraisal). Consider that there are less than 5,500 properties being promoted via MLS.
So my answer to How is the Market Doing....Its doing extremely well and beneficial to both buyers and sellers. It is a fantastic time to market your home for sale at Gulf Coast International Properties.
Please allow me to help service all of your Real Estate Needs. You can contact me via email at [email protected] or by cellular 239-777-1451
Please allow me to help service all of your Real Estate Needs. You can contact me via email at [email protected] or by cellular 239-777-1451
Warmest Regards,
Kevin Aizenshtat