Currently, there are 11 properties in Olde Naples with asking prices over $1,000,000 that are under contract and scheduled to close. Olde Naples has had a total of 34 properties sell for more than $1,000,000 this year. The real estate in this area has seen the bottom and we are now starting to see a gradual increase in closed sale prices. The Summertime in Olde Naples provides a great buying opportunity to take advantage of the properties that were determined to sell in "season" and did not. Contact Rex Miller of Gulf Coast International Properties today at [email protected] or 239.821.1433 if you have interest in Olde Naples. Rex's sales volume in Olde Naples for 2011 is nearly $7,000,000 placing him 2nd out of roughly 4,000 Naples Realtors for sold volume.
Rex Miller, P.A.