NAPLES, FL - Gulf Coast International Properties is proud to announce the sale of The Nautilus in Aqualane Shores for $3.5m by Shaun Dalton and Brad Johnson. Representing the sellers, 579 15th Ave S sold for $967 price per square foot, which marks the highest new construction sale in Aqualane Shores in 6 years and one of the highest of all time! This is another record sale by Shaun and Brad, who previously set the price per square foot remodel record in Olde Naples, 70 7th Ave S, for just over $1300 a square foot last year at $6.7475M. For more information on this record sale or Naples luxury real estate, Shaun can be reached at 239.248.1907 or [email protected] or Brad at 239.595.9278 or [email protected].
Best Regards,
Brad Johnson
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