Once considered strictly a 'retirement' village, Naples is now one the best cities in the U.S. for an active, outdoor lifestyle. What, with nearly a 365 day a year perfect, outdoor climate people cannot make excuses for not being out-of-doors and finding a local, well organized 5K race, beautiful yoga venue, spectacular beach walk or scenic bike tour through many tropically manicured residential communitites. Neighborhoods like the Moorings, Park Shore, Coquina Sands, Old Naples, Aqualane Shores and Port Royal offer safe roads and sidewalks for young and old to walk, jog or bike from sun up to sun down!
For more organized events visitors and residents can go to many websites for activities such as www.gcrunner.org for all the local running races and group runs or www.naplesvelo.com for organized bike rides through many beautiful Naples neighborhoods.
Events coming up this fall and winter include the Run Wild 5K Race on October 31st at the Naples Zoo. This 1st annual race takes place on the new Gordon River Greenway starting at 7:30am and winds through the tropical mangrove forest along the Gordon River. The paved path and elevated boardwalk gives runners and walkers a glimpse of what the early settlers of Naples found when they arrived back in the mid 1800's. The flora and fauna of Naples is beautiful and one can discover the untouched areas right here in our own backyard this coming Saturday morning! Another fun event for the entire family is the Moe's Bike Brunch which takes place at Lowdermilk Park on Gulfshore Blvd. on January 24th, 2016. This ride offers safe travels throughout Naples for all levels of skill and speed. Go to www.NPC.com for more information on this excellent Naples event.
As you can see, there are many viable options for those who seek the 'active' lifestyle in Naples. So, lace up your sneakers and get out there and take in a deep breath of our warm, tropical beach breeze!
Mitchell L. Norgart
Broker/Sales Associate
Gulf Coast International Properties
Naples, FL.