My clients usually ask "Do I need flood insurance" The answer is call a licensed insurance agent. I have excellent referrals to recommend.
Do I Need Flood Insurance? Flooding can occur anywhere, anytime. Even if you are not required to have flood insurance, serious consideration should be given to purchasing it anyway.
Homeowners insurance may cover fire and wind damage, but virtually never covers damage from flooding… nature’s most common natural disaster. Damages associated with floods can easily total $25,000 or more… sometimes much more.
Because the City of Naples participates in the National Flood Insurance Program, all city residents qualify to apply for NFIP flood insurance.
Without flood insurance, losses must be covered out of pocket. Some limited relief might be obtainable through government aid, but government assistance is not available automatically. It is only offered when the President makes an official disaster declaration. Less than half of flooding events are “declared disasters”. Declarations require rather widespread damage. Most often, when government is available, it comes in the form of an interest bearing loan.
Flood insurance is mandatory if:
- Your property is located in a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) and
- You have a federally backed mortgage or loan that is FDIC insured on your building in a SFHA and/or
- You have received a federal grant for previous flood losses and you wish to qualify for future aid
A flood insurance policy can cover:
- flood debris cleanup
- structural damage (walls, ceilings, floors, stairways, etc.)
- household appliances/utilities damaged by floodwater
- wall to wall carpeting, tile and other flooring surfaces
Contents coverage can cover:
- furniture
- collectibles, artwork, knickknacks
- clothing, shoes, accessories, jewelry, etc.
Added coverages may be available for dislocation expenses such as rent, hotel stays, meals, etc.
Property owners living in lower risk areas may qualify for a “preferred risk” policy which provides the same coverage at substantially lower rates.
Check Your Flood Insurance Policy for Accurate Information
Naples has a great website for more information on Flood Insurance. Check it out the link is below.
For More Information on Flood Insurance
Your homeowner’s insurance agent most likely can provide you with all the information you need and answer any questions you have. Additional information can be obtained directly from the National Flood Insurance Program by calling 1-888-CALL-FLOOD. You can access additional NFIP information at Fema or Floodsmart.
Warmest Regards,
Kevin Aizenshtat